
Special EViPRG Symposium


Symposium EViPRG @ 20: looking back & looking forwards

Friday 27th of October 2017, Room 18, 10.30 – 12.30
Moderators: Roger Almvik, Joy Duxbury & Richard Whittington



The European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group (EViPRG) was established at a meeting in London in 1997 with the aim of bringing together researchers, practitioners and educators from around Europe with an interest in tackling violence and minimising coercion in mental health services. Members of the network have met regularly over the past 20 years to exchange ideas on best practice, to improve theory and evidence and to see if a consensus approach on ways forward can be developed. The ideas of ‘Europe’ and ‘violence’ have evolved significantly and differently across the continent over this period and this symposium will include reflections by the current and former chairs of the network on the achievements of the group, the challenges of developing evidence based best practice internationally and some potential next steps in this area.




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