




Travel to Amsterdam

Cheap Flights to Amsterdam
Cheap flights from within Europe and direct flights from outside Europe are readily available, serving Amsterdam airport Schiphol – Europe’s fourth largest and located just a few kilometres from the city centre.



Ferry to Amsterdam
Boat travel is a viable option for travellers coming from the U.K. and Scandinavia. Scandinavian Seaways connecting to Amsterdam via Newcastle, P&O North Sea Ferries via Hull and Stenaline via Harwich all offer ferry and holiday cruise services for those looking for an alternative approach to the city.


Train Travel to Amsterdam is a popular option within Europe with Inter City connections to and from Brussels, London, Paris, Hamburg and Berlin (each 6 hours) as well as Belgium and Frankfurt (3 hours). All other destinations in Holland are located no more than 2.5 hours from Amsterdam by rail. Rail passes and other discounts are widely available and reservations are highly recommended.

Arriving by Car is fairly straightforward, however driving and parking in the city are not. The A10 Ring (Ringweg) encircles the city and receives all major freeways.




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